The Company has been facing operating challenges that have necessitated a comprehensive business review and restructuring aimed at enhancing operational efficiency and driving sustainable growth in a dynamic market.

Accordingly, the following changes have been implemented with immediate effect:

i. The conclusion of voluntary separation agreements with the following Directors:

  • Chief Executive Officer — Mr. Maxen Phillip Karombo;
  • Chief Financial Officer – Mr. Phillimon Mushosho; and
  • Supply Chain Director – Mr. Knox Mupaya.

ii. The appointment of a team of experienced retailers to assist the Board with the restructuring and turnaround of the Company and to be designated as follows:

  • Chief Executive Officer – Mr. Willard Vimbai Zireva
  • Chief Financial Officer – Mr. Alex Edgar Siyavora
  • Supply Chain Director — Mr. Muzvidzwa Richard Chingaira

The Board would like to acknowledge the outgoing Executive team for their service through this challenging period, and to welcome back the team reposed with the remit to stabilize and turn the business around over the next six months whilst the Company engages in the process to identify the executive replacements.

26 FEBRUARY 2025